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景觀展廳展示谷埔的平原與溪谷地形,包括潮間帶紅樹林濕地生態、淡水沼澤景觀、淡水河溪生境,風水林及其孕育的豐富動植物。 谷埔的臨海灣地,由棄耕的水稻田逐漸轉化為鹹淡水濕地和紅樹林。溪流注入的水道在紅樹林間迂迴穿越,並利用堤防調控潮汐水位 的進出。在堤防的保護下,潮汐鹹水與溪流淡水交替形成鹹淡水泥沼沙地,形成紅樹林與蘆葦相間生長的濕地景觀。這裡也是鳥類(白 鷺、蒼鷺),魚蟹(彈塗魚、圓尾鱟、招潮蟹)與昆蟲(玉帶蜻、萊灰蝶)等多元物種的棲息地。谷埔肚溪上游是大樹遮陰、溪水清澈的谷 地。山澗與駁岸邊的草木林地同時孕育了諸如珀灰蝶、港油麻藤等珍貴物種。廢耕後的草地沿山麓分佈,成為退耕牛群的棲息地。

團隊:王維仁,田夢曉,鄭麗樺, 王思琪,李若希,方詠昕 

合作:Ivan Valin、岑兆基 (景觀),張名樂 (鱟魚) 

The Landscape Gallery presents the intertidal mangrove wetland ecology, freshwater marsh landscape, freshwater stream habitats,  Fengshui forests, and the rich flora and fauna of Kuk Po. The bayfront of Kuk Po is gradually transformed from abandoned paddy fields to brackish freshwater wetlands and mangrove forests, with streams feeding into and meandering around. Under the dike's protection, the tidal water level is regulated, and the marsh is formed by the alternation of salt and fresh water, creating a wetland landscape where mangroves and reeds grow together. The upper valley of the Kuk Po creek breeds many valuable species. The abandoned grasslands are distributed along the foothills of the mountains and serve as a habitat for fallow cattle.

Team: Weijen Wang, Mengxiao Tian, Natalie Cheng, Siqi Wang, Ruoxi Li, Joyce Fong 

Corporation: Ivan Valin, David Shum (Landscape), Paul Cheung (Crab Habitat)

Landscape Architecture

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